Archive for the ‘Meta’ Category

Voodoo Correlations Index

This post serves as an index of the articles that reference the ‘Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience’ debate. The original paper has now been renamed ‘Puzzlingly high correlations in fMRI studies of emotion, personality, and social cognition’. There have been five posts so far, each listed below: [1] Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience: [2] […]

The Presidential Election

Politics on a weblog is like picking up a stick of old, wet dynamite.  You might grab it and absolutely nothing happens, or it might very well explode in your face.  It is for this reason that I try to avoid political discussion on  Every weblog must have a focus, and there are more […] anniversary!

Truth be told we are a few weeks past the one year mark. Still, I couldn’t be happier about the degree of progress this blog has made in the last twelve months. What began as a simple motivation to practice writing has slowly evolved to become a more complete personal weblog of developmental cognitive neuroscience. […]

August 10, 2008 • Posted in: Meta • No Comments

Summer Heatwave

Santa Barbara is an absolutely horrible place to be in the summertime. I mean, come on, 77 degrees? Who can stand that?

August 8, 2008 • Posted in: Meta • No Comments

Summer Teaching: Discover Technology

I always hope that a pause in the stream of weblog posts will be justified. The last several weeks have been pretty quiet around, but I do like to think that the time went to a good cause. For most of July I have been in Lawrence, Kansas as an instructor for the KU […]

July 24, 2008 • Posted in: Meta, Psychology • No Comments

Dissertation: Thesis Online

Most of my dissertation experiments will hopefully have a future in peer-reviewed neuroscience journals. The bad news is that it will take a few years to rewrite each experiment and get it out the door. If you are curious about internal state information processing or want to know more about interoceptive development I thought I […]

New Server

I knew I wouldn’t be able to host the site at Dartmouth forever. While I could leave things as they were until the end of May, I decided to be a bit proactive and move the data now. is now being run off of its own server partition at It took a bit […]

April 23, 2008 • Posted in: Meta • No Comments

Back in the saddle

After wandering aimlessly through the desert raising that first cup of water to your parched lips is a simply divine experience.  So too is the first blog entry after an extended hiatus. I have been a terrible author so far in 2008.  At least I have something to show for it though: a PhD.  Yes […]

April 22, 2008 • Posted in: Meta • No Comments

Dissertation: Defense Video

Have you ever sat there and thought how your life would be much more complete if you could just learn more about interoceptive development? Well my friends, worry no more. By watching this video of my dissertation defense presentation you too can know far more about this amazing topic. Title: “The Integration of Higher Cognition […]

Dissertation: Thanks

Graduate school is a collective endeavor, requiring the participation of many if any one person is to succeed. The following is a list of people who I owe a debt of gratitude for their help along my path. Abigail Baird: Grand Advisor Five years ago I walked into Professor Baird’s office thinking it would be […]

April 2, 2008 • Posted in: Meta • No Comments