Archive for July, 2009
Quote of the Week – Coggan
“My ignorance of science is such that if anyone mentioned copper nitrate I should think he was talking about policemen’s overtime.” – Frederick Donald Coggan
Atlantic Salmon – MRI Data
There have been some requests for the T1-weighted high-resolution anatomical MRI data of the Atlantic Salmon. Click on the link below and you can download the files in the ANALYZE file format. Load it up in SPM, take a screenshot, and presto, you have a fancy new desktop picture. If you want to have […]
Brain Dissection: Insula Anatomy
We just wrapped up the 2009 Summer Institute on Cognitive Neuroscience here at UCSB. There are a million stories to tell from the two weeks of the Summer Institute, but for this post I just wanted to upload a few pictures from the brain dissection lab that went on during the first week. Mark D’Esposito […]